Collaborate With Your Brain
- Your brain always does what it thinks you want it to do
- It tries to move you away from pain towards pleasure
- It only responds to the pictures in your head and the thoughts you say
- Your brain likes to stay in what is familiar
Your brain always does what it thinks you want it to do
- Knowing how your brain works will teach you how to collaborate with it more effectively.
- Instead of grumbling about those 2 am feeds with your newborn and again at 4 am, and saying stuff like, ‘this baby is killing me’, ‘I’ll never ever get to sleep again’; say something different. Change your tune and turn the pain of that wakefulness when you’d rather be sleeping, into ‘I’m up with my beautiful baby right now. Sure it sucks, but it’s okay. It won’t always be like this and right now this is a beautiful experience for the two of us.’
- Say no to sugar and the things that make you fat and unhealthy, and make unfamiliar familiar.
- Avoiding a client that you ‘can’t stand’, or a friend who ‘sucks the life out of you,’ or a party because you can’t cope with the pressure, causes conflict in your brain. Is it pleasurable or painful. Tell your brain what you really want and stand up to the challenge. Maybe the client isn’t so much painful, as needy. Maybe you need some help or skills with managing this client or friend and this conflict is actually useful for you to learn something new. Make unfamiliar familiar and upgrade your skills and be proud of yourself, instead of ‘down’ on yourself.
- Tell your mind what you really want. Take out all of the stuff of, ‘ I can’t stand this, this is killing me, I’m hopeless, I’m stressed out, I’m at my max. I can’t take it anymore, etc. Look at what is really going on with you.
- Tell your mind that you want to appreciate your life right now, and how you are going to do that.
- Praise yourself and make that familiar. Make criticism unfamiliar.
It tries to move you away from pain towards pleasure
- Link pleasure to what you are doing, even if it’s hard. Say to yourself, ‘I have great concentration skills.’ ‘I love what I’m doing.’ ‘I’m doing an amazing job.’ Keep doing this and remember to make what’s positive and unfamiliar, familiar.
- Make what’s negative and familiar unfamiliar by linking pleasure to positive and familiar.
- You can choose to do this and the more you do, you will change the linking of your brain to the positive and familiar to make your life successful in the way you want it to be. It moves you towards pleasure to end your pain but if you are coding in the wrong messages, you will always stay stuck in reactive mode. Change the channel.
It only responds to the pictures in your head and the thoughts you say
- The way you feel about everything comes down to the pictures you make in your head and the words you say to yourself.
- If you say over and over, ‘I’m so hopeless, stupid, idiot, etc. What meaning do you think your brain makes about you? Einstein.
- Learn to reframe and turn around those painful things you say about yourself and the painful images you imagine into pleasurable ones.
- Make unfamiliar familiar.
- Become clever by saying truly clever things about yourself and imagining yourself being clever.
Your brain likes to stay in what is familiar
- So learn to link pleasure to what you are doing, even though it seems unfamiliar or not true.
- People who want to succeed choose to link pleasure to working long hours on their new job, new business, new goal, etc.
- People who say that their new job, new baby, new partner, etc is killing them, will get results that they may not want. Their brain will interpret these words over and over, and do something to save you from ‘killing yourself’. What that might be could be different to what you intended. Get sick, sabotage yourself, have accidental accidents!
- Far better to rise to the challenge of going to the gym, albeit with grumbles and getting that rush of ‘feel-good’ endorphins during and after your session. Reminding yourself how satisfying it feels to work-out and turn pain of effort into pleasurable.
- Praise yourself and make that familiar. Make criticism unfamiliar.
Appreciating your brain’s ability to interpret what you want, in the way you talk to yourself and imagine yourself to be, is the best start to collaborate with your truly remarkable and creative brain. Practising these skills will turn your life around and give you enormous pleasure in being you. Hypnosis is an effective and safe method to firstly access these initial beliefs and thoughts and change them from painful thoughts into pleasurable ones.