Energy Healing is based on the understanding that as energetic beings we possess consciousness, have an innate means to heal ourselves (within reason) and can connect to a greater consciousness – in order to receive appropriate healing or other resources. 

What is Energy Healing?Green female graphic figure surrounded by green flower like imagery & energy emanating from her chest/ heart chakra,as a representation of source energy and togetherness for energy healing

  • Energy healing is a new age and an alternative therapy.
  • This innate consciousness that we all possess, represents our individual self-essence and connects to a higher self that lives within us.
  • The more we practise and attune ourselves to this higher self, the more we understand our life purpose and our intentions to support and live that purpose.
  • This higher self is an expression of a direct connection to Source energy, and not an expression of something else or of someone else.
  • It cannot be violated within a session or treatment, as all treatment is done within a container of safety for both parties.
  • There is zero manipulation in a true energy healing or, as it is also called “spiritual healing”

What’s important to determine in doing your own self-healing on your own or with an energy healer, is that the energy work is internal and not calling upon outside energies or bespoke forces such as so called ‘gurus.’
Rather, you are connecting to the Source energy directly in your heart.
Also called universal energy, or cosmos or god, or the force or creator. This all encompassing energy is present in you, and all living creatures from earth forms to insects, birds to animals and humans, including the elements of wind, sun and water which all have living spirits and therefore a consciousness. 

A true Trinity for healing
A true energy healing is not about any guru or ascended master (including Jesus) but the actual source energy or god-force of your divine origin, because the true trinity is made up of mother earth, the source energy (universal energy) and you.
You are the middle point along this axis of energy force.

What does Religion say about energy healing?
Religion has played its part well in hiding the fact that people all have a divine consciousness in them.
All creatures too have a divine consciousness. Religious denominations aided authoritarian rulers and regimes to keep people compliant in their faith and in their labour.
The church took care of the people’s ‘soul’ and obedience to the church representatives.
And the state took care of people’s wellbeing, in meeting their basic needs of safety and security in return for for the cost of their labour and allegiance. 

You are a divine being
Energy healing provides a pathway to remembering that you are a divine being
For some of you that may sound truly blasphemous. I have to say, when I first heard that expression, I held my breath thinking that could not be true. By the time I had breathed out again, I was flooded with a radiant knowing that it was indeed true. Even now, when I say to myself, ‘you are a divine being’, I still tremble with the fullness of this truth.
True trinity in a stylised graphic of a burning cross, Mother Earth, Source & You with the original trinity , used as part of energy healing
The Church and religious view

In religion, the church is the holder of our faith, the intermediary and watchdog of our goodness and ascension to the promised ‘Heaven.’

In spirituality, you are the supreme holder of that divine essence all by yourself!
That is true freedom. And your ascension is a continuous one of many lives lived with purpose and intentionality.
This knowledge has been tightly guarded and kept secret by bastions of the various churches for centuries, that seem to play this ongoing game of superior one upmanship.
It has kept people reliant on the church being the middleman for our spiritual eternity.

The truth is, there is no middleman between you and your spirituality. You are directly connected.

Energy healing treatmentsBlack & White close up photo of a Reiki therapist hands, placed on a female client's upper chest, as part of a tailored Energy Healing treatment at The Healing Practice in Sydney.

Energy Healing is a finely tuned treatment that encompasses more than the physical you.
Think of it as an overall ‘Healthy You Audit’.
If you can imagine that you are a spiritual being having a human being experience, then an energy healing treatment will make more sense to you.

  • Do you have health complaints that don’t seem to get better? 
  • Do you have trapped and toxic emotions that feel like sludge? 
  • Is your relationship at a tipping point right now?

When things are not changing for the better, you may need to problem solve at a different level of your mind, spirit and body to effect deeper change.
Physical manifestations of symptoms:
These have mostly taken some time to arrive in your physical body.
There will have been other signs or messages that you may have ignored prior to them landing in your physical space. The energetic auric layers start from spiritual, mental, emotional to physical.

Are you ignoring the messages?
Most of us have had the experience of ignoring some kind of personal behaviour consequence, and then finding it comes back thrice-fold to bite us somewhere hard, further down the track.
Not heeding the internal messages, the gut feel, the repetitive dreams or intuitive tugs at the spirit consciousness level, brings it forward and so on, into the next layer of consciousness, to alert us to something that could be useful for us to know.
The not knowing or not wanting to know can then surface in both unexpected and even predictable ways. 

Illness and energy healing?

Stylised image of cells, membrabes, and their connections, showing pathways we can work with in our energy healing treatments at The Healing Practice

Each illness has its own pathway
A person afflicted with a cancer diagnosis will know what their options are according to its severity, and what parts are affected.
A person who has a near fatal accident will appreciate very smartly that life is precious and likely look for a deeper meaning pathway in their life.
A woman struggling with her fertility is seeing a cloudy future and likely questioning her sense of self.  

  • What is your purpose in life?
  • What are you meant to do here that makes sense and meaning to you?
  • Are you living that life now? 

Life is more than a great job, nice house to live in, family and friends to share events and hang out with. For most of us, one of those things would be just fine.
However, if those things do pass you by, or you already have them, and you are still coming up with a ‘half-empty’ glass feeling, then you’re probably looking for some deeper meaning as to why you are here.


As a Holistic Practitioner and Counsellor, I tailor all my sessions to my individual clients needs, so we can do a combination of modalities if required.

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Who are you as an energetic being? 

graphics image of plasma streams resembling a the upper half of a woman, with swirling lights forming, as part of the energy healing process

  • An energy healing treatment delves into the deeper layers of you.
  • Where is the rosy future and aspiring journeys you want to make?
  • Where is the current state of your reality sitting at? And how do you move into the slipstream of that more purposeful future that you want?
  • What’s holding you back? 

What’s your purpose?

We are all born to make a difference. And that difference will be determined by what your soul purpose decided in the beginning, before you were born. It’s a stretch – right! But hopefully it makes more sense to you than a simple one way life to do the best we can and then that’s it
Life as we know, here and elsewhere is a series of never ending lessons to live an enriching and intentional life. 

If you’re not sure what your purpose is ….and you have a questing or seeking need to find out, then an energy healing treatment is likely to help. 

What happens in an energy healing session?

The energy healer or practitioner listens to your story and asks your intention for wanting this kind of healing.
How will it help you?
When will you know that things are better not just on the outside,  but more importantly on the inside, where the change will come from?

What drives change in you?

You do. This is the origin and driver of change.
What do you need to do to support your evolving growth and what does that look like for you?
An energy healing treatment is earthed in harmonising with the realities of your physical life, therefore action steps are vital to move forward. Connecting with your higher self to source answers, more understanding and solutions is the spiritual accessing part. Bringing it all together into your consciousness is the embodying and activating part of this work. 

An Energy Healing treatment looks like this:

Positive Energy Healing Meditation image,showing a woman sitting in a lotus position dressed in white, 1 hand out and the other hand on her heart chakra, breathing & meditating, wearing silver jewellery
The energy healer or practitioner then invites you to relax and be guided into a shamanic meditation in the healing medicine room (the energetic container)

There, according to your particular areas of concern, the right energetic resources will be used, to support and elevate your higher consciousness to reset your internal settings about yourself.

Afterwards, there is a debrief and exercises given to support your moving forward.

What is the energy healer doing during a session?

The energy healer is using a holistic approach in the medicine room –  to direct healing energy into your auric field to help balance, heal and remove blockages from the body, mind and spirit
It is very much a dialogue and co-creation with your higher self in the realms of the heart and spirit.
Note: You are protected and kept safe in this energetic auric field.

Reasons to seek an energy healing treatment:

    • Often a person feels that no matter how hard they try to get ahead, something seems to sabotage them and they end up failing again and losing heart. 
    • You might wonder if you have a dodgy past life that’s pulling you down? 
    • Is it an ancestral burden that being a good woman means martyring yourself for the good of your family? 
    • Do you feel you can’t speak up and express what you want? 
    • Why do people not hear or see you?
    • Is anxiety crippling you and you have tried everything and nothing seems to work?
    • Why can’t you have a baby when so many others can?

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What does energy feel like?

You are an energy being. Energy is a felt or perceived frequency of vibration.
You feel energy when you enter a room and gravitate to a person that feels right and away from others that don’t feel right. You feel energy from those around you when you sit in a public space, on the bus or train or at the cinema. Even on your yoga mat!
You might sense the person who sat in the cab before you leaving some residue of themselves, if they were in a state of distress.
And definitely standing in a long queue at the supermarket!
You feel other people’s energy immediately and you make adjustments in your own energy position to accommodate or counter their energy and yours.
You may even see energy and that can be a wonderful gift! 

Are chakras part of energy healing?A woman pictured staning at waters edge at sunrise on a beach, in a one piece swimming costume, with different colours circles placed from her head to her pelvis, representing her 7 Chakra locations, something we work with in our energy healing at The Healing Practice

Yes. Chakras and healing go well together, for they are an integral part of an energy healing treatment.
The chakras act as localised energy centres and their particular placement in the physical body has corresponding characteristics that are attuned to the mind (mental and emotional) and spirit.
The chakras can indicate where problems may exist such as:

  • Crown chakra – feeling a keen sense of separation from others and disconnected to the world around them, indicating an unwillingness to see the crown chakra as a primary path of source connection.  
  • Third eye chakra – a lack of groundedness, feeling unbalanced in the world and unable to discern what your path is, indicating the third eye is closed or dimmed. Difficulty in opening to your inner light. 
  • Throat chakra – a constriction in the throat and struggling to articulate and express your wants and desires. Unable to speak up for yourself. A sense you are not seen and heard. 
  • Heart chakra – a heaviness of grief and sadness in the lungs and heart chakras after the loss of a loved one. The heart chakra may appear conflicted and split as the person doesn’t quite know how to move forward after a deeply loved one has passed, particularly a pet as that  love has been unconditional unlike the expectations of human relationships. Or a sense of having failed and not able to let it go and see another pathway out of the shadow. The heart is hardened after being hurt and defenses grow causing isolation and despair.
  • Solar plexus chakra – A hardness in the solar plexus chakra may indicate that the person is indecisive about their next steps forward in their career and experiencing some fear around their identity of who they are. 
  • Sacral chakra – may feel boggy or sensitive in equal measure if a woman’s creativity is stifled or she is not enjoying sex despite the fact she wants to conceive a baby. Mixed conflicts. A man’s ability to enjoy relationships is stifled because he’s unable to let go of ingrained rules of male expectations with others, especially women.
  • Base or Root chakra – may show up signs of constipation or loose bowels as the person’s sense of groundedness is all at sea. Knee and foot problems might present as indicators of not knowing the next step forward. Perhaps they have lost their job and are now struggling with how to support themselves and their family. Or have moved cities for a job and the new environment is uncertain and plagued with doubt. Needing to be earthed.

Chakra healing is a necessary component of energy healing and of course Reiki healing.
Chakras are the markers of how a person is doing both inside and outside of themselves, as they link the different layers of the energetic fields of spirit, mind and body. 

Chakra meditations

You may be given a chakra meditation to focus on as part of your homework.
The intention would be to open the chakra(s) to the healing light thus exposing any shadows and to encourage an active space clearing to enable  harmony and balance. 

Is ‘Gut feel’ and Intuition a form of Energy?

Yes. No surprise there. Gut feel or intuition that you sense in your gut is all energy.
Energy is neither good or bad, positive or negative, it simply exists, like water, like ocean and wind. It is energy responding to other energetic forces around them
You notice when others around you get agitated, their energy is no longer silent and they speak loudly and move jerkily. There is quiet energy and not.

Sensing vibration: It is an awareness of sensation and an inner knowing (intuition) of a frequency or vibration in movement or flow.
Something is moving and you are sensing it. And it’s what you do with your energy that counts. Is it useful or not?
How can you change your energy body to be more harmonious in your world and in yourself? 
Maybe it’s time to learn how to recognise and harness your own energy for your greater good and for others too.

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What is Energy and Quantum Entanglement?

Energy is a measurable and observable state of movement.
In quantum physics there are two particular types of energetic movement called quantum entanglement and quantum superposition
This discussion about energetic particles of light, of supremely tiny tiny bits of matter demonstrates that there is energy that moves around, is observable close up and even demonstrates a bonded connectivity even when the different particles are then separated. In other words, there is a knowing and a responsiveness towards each other. How interesting is that?
Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon of a group of particles being generated, interacting, or sharing spatial proximity in a manner such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance”

What is Energy and Quantum Superposition?

There is a whole lot more information on this particular Superposition principle, as it’s complex and can depend on whether it is a linear or wave application.
Nonetheless this Wikipedia definition describes the sum stimuli as the same in each individual stimuli, suggesting each stimuli is a full sum of responses and not a diminished part on its own.
This adds weight to the human consciousness being a fractal of the universal or source consciousness; and therefore a complete unit, as with the single stimuli also being a complete in either part.
Together or separate and yet they are not separate but connected and of equal value and weight!
The net response caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses that would have been caused by each stimulus individually.
gain, consciousness is one of those intangible things that can’t be scientifically measured, yet most of us would presume we are conscious beings having a very aware existence in our body, mind and spirit. 

Of course, many others would disagree and think that quantum physics and specific laws have been taken out of context and do not apply to non-physical interactions.
The trouble with that response is there are a lot of things that cannot be satisfactorily explained with scientific certainty.
Energy is generally held to be in the eye of the receiver and the giver
An energy healing treatment is very much a heart to heart experience, where active energy is being received and given.

What are our different brainwave ‘states’?

The brain waves of a relaxed brain are observable with an electroencephalogram (EEG).
This measures electrical activity in the brain and can identify the different brainwave patterns, such as alpha, beta, theta, delta and gamma waves, all associated with different states of consciousness and brain activity. 

Alpha waves 

  • Associated with relaxationImage of an open doorway 'Portal' in a cave like room, with a bright fiery orange vortex/ swirl of energy coming through it. Eneregy healing channels many sources at The Healing Practice.
  • The frequency is 8-12 Hz. 
  • This is the meditative state that people usually access in any kind of healing treatment, from meditation, energy healing to hypnosis. 

 Beta waves 

  • Associated with active mental activity
  • Have a frequency of 12–30 Hz
  • Are one of the fastest types of brain waves and often this state is stimulated in collaborative thinking such as ‘brainstorming’
  • Are associated with normal thinking

Theta waves 

  • Associated with extreme rest or sleep
  • Have a frequency of 4–8 Hz
  • May appear when someone is experiencing emotional stress

Delta waves 

  • Associated with deep sleep
  • Have a frequency of 0.5–4 Hz
  • Are long-burst brain waves that are different from brain waves in waking life

Gamma waves 

  • Associated with deep focus or solving complex problems
  • Are the fastest type of brain waves

Different brain waves oscillate at different frequencies. 


  • Is energy healing like Reiki?
    Yes and No.  I have trained in Reiki 1 and 2 and the premise of Reiki as I understood it, is that the energetic healing in the reiki healer’s hands is channelled from the ascended master of that particular Reiki lineage. I went onto train in Energy Medicine and their premise of energy source is that it does not come from someone else or something else, but rather directly from us. We are in fact energy source, complete and whole energy beings here to fulfil a soul purpose.
  • Aren’t we a part of the whole?
    Yes and more. We are not just a particle of sand on a beach, as we are often led to believe, or a tree in the forest but the whole forest and the whole beach.  In other words, we are a fractal which is a curved or geometrical figure, and each part of that figure has the same statistical character as the whole (Oxford dictionary definition). A miniaturised representation of the whole unquantifiable source! That’s a pretty big concept to grasp.
  • Is this Source energy an internal thing or external?
    Definitely an internal thing. We are connected to Source because we are Source energy, a fractal of source energy or universal or cosmic energy as there are various names for this extraordinary source. When higher energy connections or channels are attributed to ascended masters or gurus or gods, they are all external sources to us and presuppose we are not enough to actually be the source! We are unworthy and have little value, therefore these external sources supplement our inherent weaknesses and flaws. Your inner light does not come from someone else and energy healing takes you into the place of remembering who and what you are.
  • Why is this distinction of internal and external source energy so important
    Because it is probably the major difference underpinning the various new age, energy healing, pranic, reiki movements, teachings and so on. Even in certain meditation practises!  Definitely confusing.
    The real question is when you know you are a fractal of source, then you can start to be the fuller expression of your soul and life purpose. That’s pretty inspiring, don’t you think?
  • Isn’t the energy healer tapping into the person’s mind and acting as an external energy?
    Permission is always asked from the person before any treatment is offered.
    It is an active internal conversation between the higher self of the practitioner and the higher self of the person seeking the treatment. Their higher self is always seeking the best outcome and that is the foundation for treatment to occur.
  • Is it an instant cure from the person’s problems?
    I wish it was, but because it taps into the higher mind of the person, it activates a deeper healing response to occur through the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical layers.
  • There is no scientific proof to support energy healing exists or even helps?
    Why would I choose this method of healing to help me? Scientific proof does not support things that can’t be seen, measured, heard and quantified in some way. Consciousness and energy healing falls outside of scientific laws because it’s not scientific but comes under Universal Laws.
  • How does energy healing work?
    The energy healer is not transmitting some secret energy source to the person. Rather it is activating the person’s memory of who they are and as an energetic being themselves, their higher self is asked to step forward and assist with making the desired changes.  The energy healer is simply the initial activator at this stage. Healing within the person happens because they accept it at their heart level and allow the various healing frequencies they experience to be felt. The next step(s) after their energy treatment is to action what they experienced in the energy medicine space in their physical world or reality.

What’s my training in Energy Healing?

  • Reiki 1 and 2 in Usui Ryoho Reiki
  • Energy Medicine Practitioner Training Certificate
  • Universal Quantum Laws Training Certificate

In addition to my energy training certification, I practise in holistic counselling and psychotherapy using a broad stroke approach, including hypnosis and EFT (emotional freedom technique) depending on what’s needed at the time.
Together, we will work out a tailored treatment plan for whatever you may need, for your body & mind to be clear and aligned!

I invite you to Book a Session with me in Forest Lodge (Glebe, Sydney) OR if it’s better for you, online  – by clicking the links below.

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