Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage is a specialised Massage

  •  It incorporates remedial and therapeutic techniques as is required, to meet the individual needs of the pregnant woman and her baby. Ideally, a specially trained practitioner will treat you, to assist with the tensions and discomforts experienced during pregnancy.
  • Massage is often thought of as a pleasant indulgence or a relaxing treat, whereas it is much more than that. Pregnancy is the ideal time to seek out massage to support the various changes you will experience as a pregnant woman.

A therapeutic treatment might include various techniques such as remedial massage, acupressure and acupoints, medi-cupping, pulsing, fascia-stretches to Bowen or lymphatic drainage for a complete treatment.

Extra Support

Sometimes a woman might need extra emotional support and education.  If your individual circumstances are not supporting your pregnancy journey, pregnancy counselling may be a useful aid for you to consider. Claire is a Childbirth Educator and can answer your questions during your treatment. See blog 

When can you have a Pregnancy Massage?

  • General advice is that after the 1st trimester at 12 weeks, it is deemed safer to have a pregnancy massage.
  • Reasons given are that women feel more comfortable in themselves, but more because the baby’s organ development is more complete.
  • However, a pregnancy massage in particular is not a stressful or arduous activity. And a woman can choose to schedule a massage early on if she requires one. Although if there is any concern, you can check with your caregiver (GP, midwife or obstetrician).
  • Regular massage throughout your pregnancy makes a substantial difference to your overall health, and in keeping up with the changing needs of your baby onboard. You can feel supported and cared for in a very special way that is different from the care of your other health providers.
  • Going overdue / late for dates / needing to be induced for various reasons – is a stressful event in itself. Choosing a Natural Labour Induction Massage can work to relieve your stress and to help induce your labour. There are no guarantees, but you can be assured of feeling more comfortable in yourself and more ready to go into labour.

The Pregnancy CushionPregnancy Massage in comfort

The ‘special’ Pregnancy Cushion – is an extra layer that sits on top of an existing massage table, with a specially shaped cut-out to fit your pregnant belly while lying on your front. As you grow bigger, more soft cushioning and elevation is added to give you layered comfort and support, right up to your estimated date and beyond which is common for first-time mothers and babies. 

A quality massage table – provides firm support and takes away any strain on a woman’s back muscles and abdominals (often forgotten under baby), particularly on turning over.

The pregnancy cushion – is made from high quality Australian memory foam which supports large and sensitive breasts perfectly. No more being squashed!



How comfortable will you be?

Clients express genuine surprise how comfortable they are lying on their front and would love to have their own pregnancy cushion for home use! That’s an indication of comfort.

Your comfort during a massage – initially you will lie face-down (prone position), then turn onto your back (supine position) with your shoulders and head well elevated and supported. Including under knees and lower leg elevation. Lying prone on the pregnancy cushion means that your whole back can be treated more thoroughly than the more restrictive side-lying position. However side-lying position to treat shoulders and / or hips is also effective.

Supine – Lying supine (on your back) is brief and in no way injurious to your health and baby’s. There is a rather over-developed concern in the general community, that a woman should minimize any lying on her back at all during her pregnancy. This concern is based on the weight of the pregnant uterus that can slow the return of blood to your heart, and may reduce blood flow to the foetus. It may mean the baby is getting less oxygen and fewer nutrients.

Lying on your back – there is no risk whatsoever when lying on your back during a massage and your comfort is ensured at all times. Sometimes it is more comfortable for you to lie on your side and receive treatment that way. Knowledgable care and consideration of your needs help give you the most comfort in receiving a beneficial massage treatment.


Pregnancy massage

Pregnancy Massage is safe and comfortable.
Incorporating specialised remedial and therapeutic techniques as is required, to meet the individual needs of the pregnant woman and her baby. A specially trained practitioner will treat the pregnant woman to assist with the tensions and discomforts experienced during pregnancy. Massage reduces peripheral swelling, soothes the nervous system, helps to prevent insomnia, muscle cramps and back pain.


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Schedule your "Postnatal Recovery Treatment" for 90 minutes - recommended

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Is Pregnancy Massage Safe during pregnancy?

Generally – Pregnancy Massage is  safe and effective for all pregnant women from early on in their pregnancy to late pregnancy. However there are always times when treatment might be contraindicated (not recommended) and as such, your concerns may need to be discussed with your practitioner, caregiver or doctor, prior to a treatment.

Current prevalent advice – is to insist that women not  lie on their backs while pregnant, during sleep in particular. It really is an exaggerated concern and at best a recommendation that could be followed by some women, when deemed useful, but not for otherwise healthy women with normal pregnancies.

Later stages of pregnancy – (from about 30 weeks or so), the uterus and baby’s combined weight and bulk may be large enough to press on the large vein, the inferior vena cava, and can reduce flow of blood from the lower body (and uterus) back to the heart.

Positioning matters –  more in certain circumstances such as: maternal high blood pressure, kidneys not functioning properly, or concerns about the baby’s development. In those situations, lying on the left side may be somewhat helpful.


Discomforts of Pregnancy you may seek help with

Possible concerns where massage might be contraindicated:

  • Previous miscarriage – in which case best to commence massage after first trimester (12 weeks)
  • Pelvic or abdominal area – severe discomfort and pain symptoms need to be checked out by caregiver (obstetrician, midwife…)
  • Blood spotting – always needs to be checked out at any time during your pregnancy. Again call your caregiver

The Healing Practice
7 Albert St
Forest Lodge (Glebe)
NSW 2037.
By appointment only.



Belinda Valenti – “The massage was a welcomed relief. Thank you for your soothing nature and sleeping tips. Many thanks, Belinda”

Lisa Louden (mother of 2) – “Claire has been my massage therapist for 5 years, I initially went to see her during my first pregnancy during which I saw her on a monthly basis to alleviate the back pain associated with carrying a baby, after every visit she always managed to fix the areas that were causing aggravation, allowing me to have a much more enjoyable pain free pregnancy. I have continued to see Claire over the years and she always assesses my problem based on our discussion prior to the session and then works on my body accordingly.

Claire has a very thorough understanding of the body and actively massages the related areas needed to rectify the problem areas.  I have never walked out of Claire’s office without having significant pain reduction that always within the next day,  it has completely disappeared. I have no hesitation in  recommending  Claire, she is the best massage therapist I have ever gone to and I know when I go to see her that she will always fix the problem.”

Katie Wolfe – “I consulted Claire when I was 37 weeks pregnant and was struggling to walk due to hip discomfort (this is despite remaining reasonably active throughout my pregnancy) – following my initial consultation with Claire the discomfort in my hips was alleviated allowing me to walk as freely as could be expected at 37 weeks pregnant, I had a further appointment with Claire before giving birth and was equally as please with the outcome.”

Hebbat Manhy – “Claire’s massages and knowledge gave me energy throughout pregnancy and confidence going into labour. Claire takes a holistic approach using a combination of techniques to locate and relieve physical and internaltension. I also found my stamina increased and always felt a sense of strength and peace after each session.”

“Claire also shared insights with me about changes in my body and my baby’s development. She gave me simple-to-follow exercises and advice to support some of my pregnancy difficulties. Claire is an experienced, perceptive and warm person not to mention Claire has magic hands! Having a regular session with Claire is a happy and relaxing part of life. I highly recommend Claire to everyone I meet.”

The Healing Practice
7 Albert St
Forest Lodge (Glebe)
NSW 2037.
By appointment only.


Benefits of a Pregnancy Massage?

  • Pregnancy massage helps you to be more comfortable with your body changes and to accept them with more understanding.
  • Pre-existing or old injuries / or tendencies maybe exacerbated and inflamed by pregnancy, which massage can reduce and relieve.
  • Malpositioned babies who are in a less than ideal position, such as breech or posterior, can be encouraged to move into a more favourable position, particularly if there is any musculo-skeletal tension at play, or emotional considerations as well.
  •  Back and leg pain reduction – common areas of need are lower back (gluteals/buttocks, sacral area, legs, neck and shoulders)
  • Lymphatic drainage reduces peripheral swelling (oedema/fluid retention)
  • Stimulates circulation – regulates blood pressure giving you more energy
  • Improves overall sleep, mental and physical health
  • Decreases levels of the stress hormone norepinephrine and cortisol and helps to lower anxiety
  • Soothes the nervous system by increasing levels of the “feel-good” hormones serotonin and dopamine
  • Education pertinent to your condition further assists you, to understand and normalise the different changes you are experiencing; and how it relates to your body and mindset, and your baby’s wellbeing as well.
  • Research has shown that, for the general population, massage has other potential benefits. It may relieve pain, or it may boost the immune system’s ability to fight off viruses and tumours.  Therefore regular massage is even more important for the pregnant woman, as it can shorten labour time, and aid your return to optimal health after birth.


Photo of Claire Cleaver, Owner and holistic Therapist of The Healing Practice in Sydney Australia

Claire Cleaver, Owner and holistic Therapist of The Healing Practice In Sydney

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Mobile 0438 216 351

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