HypnoCalmBirth Classes

Childbirth is an intimate experience which is why Individual Private Sessions or Small Group Intensives make good sense,  to focus on your needs and as preparation for the ‘big day’.

Learn more than just the goalposts of labour; find out about being calm and prepared with:

  • Hypnotic techniques
  • Childbirth specifics
  • Effective breathing patterns and techniques
  • Active birth positions
  • About partners & how to offer loving and helpful support
  • Primal birth imagery
  • Discovering your zone of ‘focus’

All of these things will make your childbirth experience, unforgettably powerful and satisfying and you will feel more calm and ready for the next big step of parenting.


The difference

  • You will feel calm and relaxed
  • You will feel prepared for anything
  • You will feel bonded to your baby
  • You will have particular techniques that will support you to go deeper into hypnosis when you need to
  • You will enjoy the power of your body and mind to transform your experience of childbirth
  • You will feel in control of your experience
  • Small classes and individual sessions
What is HypnoCalmBirth?

HypnoCalmBirth is a method of childbirth preparation that is based on the premise: that everywoman can achieve an easier and calmer childbirth when she knows how. Simple, enjoyable and personable instruction based on hypnosis, meditation and childbirth education works,  to give you resourceful skills and a heart pathway to bring your baby into the world.

Hypnosis creates a state of focussed awareness where a woman can calm and relax herself throughout her labour, concentrating on her breathing and her particular techniques, developing her birth essence and minimizing her effort, to be overly active. Hypnosis removes the discomfort of contractions and you are able to connect to your baby as an integral part of the birthing process. Your partner supports your needs and helps minimize external distractions that might alter your internal focus.

What are the benefits of HypnoCalmBirth?

Classes give couples the confidence to trust in their own ability to birth, with an understanding and respect of the normal physiological processes of labour and birth. Men (and female partners) feel particularly inspired by their partner’s task of birthing their baby and develop a fresh respect for their partners. This firms the couple’s commitment to be together and to look forward to weathering the normal highs and lows of new parenting after the birth.

Baby makes family

Baby makes family

Type of Sessions

Find out how affordable private sessions are to get the best outcome for you, with the focus on how you learn best, the most effective methods for you and how your partner can really support you, feeling more confident in him/herself.

Individual Private Sessions

These are for couples that prefer to have classes all to themselves. They want to extract the maximum amount of pertinent information in the least amount of time possible. The focus is on you; your particular needs, how you both think and feel, cope with stress, discomfort and pain and your desire to create a truly transformative birth experience. A single 3 hour session is perfect for Private Sessions with extra options also available.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage

  • Cost – $450 per couple
  • What does this include?  3 hours of private instruction (in 1 single session or 2 x 90 minute sessions), your HypnoCalmBirth class book and CD package, a phone follow-up session towards the end of your pregnancy or early postnatal.
  • Session times – these can be 2 x 1.5 hr sessions or a single 3 hr session.
  •  Contact Us

Next HypnoCalm Birth courses: At present there are no scheduled classes re Covid-19 except for one-to-one online.

  Contact Us

How does HypnoCalmBirth work?

Contractions are as rhythmical as the waves of the sea

Contractions are as rhythmical as the waves of the sea

When we induce hypnosis by going into a focused state of concentration, we focus on a positive state whether it is imagery or breathing or both. We are taught to view labour as a painful and fearful event and for the most part it is uncomfortable but bearable. Hypnosis alters our interpretation and perception of pain, recognising it as doable discomfort and reinforced by suggestion that we can control our body and mind to be calm and comfortable.

When a woman connects to her natural birthing self, (her instinctual self) she learns to trust herself and becomes more immersed in her experience of actually enjoying the birth process.Hypnotic Birth (hypnocalm birth) acknowledges that birth is a relationship of the woman, her mind, body and heart, her partner’s gentle and loving attendance and the willingness of the baby to be born in a mutual ebb and flow of natural birth. Hypnosis calms the mind and empowers the body to do what it needs to do, to run its course of a safe, joyful and easier birth experience, for mother, father /birth companion and baby.

During HypnoCalmBirth classes you will learn
  • Relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to alter the pain-fear and tension response
  • How to use particular techniques to produce a shorter, more comfortable labour
  • How to boost, soothe and control your body’s own natural anaesthesia
  • How your body is perfectly designed to not only grow your baby, but work in neuromuscular harmony with nature throughout labour
  • How to practice your deep relaxation during and between uterine surges and to gently birth your baby easily and effortlessly
  • Your partner will learn to deepen your hypnotic state with pre-suggested cues
  • Your partner will also learn how to be relaxed and to reduce any tension or fatigue during the birth process
  • Your learnt hypnotic skills will also improve your postnatal recovery, aid your breastfeeding experience and encourage you to sleep more effectively and deeply.

Thank you to my wonderful clients for writing me a testimonial

Thank you to my wonderful clients for writing me a testimonial

Are you ready to make the next step?

If you are ready – to embrace new learning, and a calmer way of bringing your baby into the world, HypnoCalmBirth will give you a gentler and more empowered pathway in bringing your baby into the world.

Contact Claire today to find out more or book your course now: on 0438 216 351


It’s important that models of childbirth preparation and education are relevant and pertinent to the changing needs of childbirthing women. That’s why I have introduced new HypnoCalmBirth programs to reflect that change.

Marie Mongan’s Hypnobirthing model introduced a new era of hypnotic childbirth education that has inspired many others to develop and teach their own models (including my own). Calm Birth as founded by Robert Bruce Newman (in America) is one such model as is Peter Jackson’s model of calmbirth (in Australia). In addition there are various other models of hypnosis-inspired childbirth education; and all of these ultimately reflect both their founder and their particular influences and training at the time of development and implementation.

Historical Perspective: HypnoCalmBirth references the work of Robert Bruce Newman (Calm Birth – New Method of Conscious Childbirth), the original developer of Calm Birth. He developed his model in 1997 and has written several books on Calm Birth and Calm Healing. His purpose is to introduce a new method of childbirth education for women and their partners to help them prepare for and enjoy their birth experience, and more importantly, to welcome their new baby with calmness and joy.

HypnoCalmBirth further references its particular approach to Marie Mongan (developer, founder and author of Hypnobirthing), Janet Balaskas (founder of The Active Birth Movement, author of Active Birth), Gayle Peterson (founder of The Peterson Method of Prenatal Counselling and Birth Hypnosis; author of several books including Birthing Normally, An Easier Childbirth). HypnoCalmBirth makes no claim to be like calmbirth (Peter Jackson) or Hypnobirthing (Marie Mongan). The HypnoCalmBirth model applies a unique approach that is aimed at the individual needs of her clients, and is best met in private instruction or small personalised groups.

My husband learned how to be a helpful and productive participant in labour, as well as how to use techniques to relax himself. I believe this helped to alleviate his fears and anxiety about what was going to happen in labour. This in turn was helpful to me as he was able to be calm and supportive.
Laura Robinson


Claire was a fantastic tutor. She gave us several techniques to practice and try in labour so we could use what worked best for us on the day. She also gave good insight into how your frame of mind could affect labour and your ability to cope. This was almost as important as the techniques themselves. Finally, Claire was very personable and readily available to answer any questions or concerns before and after the sessions. 
Laura Robinson


Photo of Claire Cleaver, Owner and holistic Therapist of The Healing Practice in Sydney Australia

Claire Cleaver, Owner and holistic Therapist of The Healing Practice In Sydney

Contact Us to find out how we can help you.

Schedule a Hypnocalmbirth Session

Gift Vouchers

Health Fund rebates are available depending on your level of cover. Process your HICAPS  claim on the spot and we accept payment by cash, eftpos, credit carf and online transfers.

Testimonials to check out what our other clients say!

The Healing Practice
7 Albert St
Forest Lodge (Glebe) 2037 NSW
By Appointment Only
M: 0438 216 351

Claire clearly was very experienced and knowledgeable about hypno calm birth. She taught us the techniques required to achieve our birth goals. We found Claire very comfortable to talk too and she was very professional. I would definitely recommend and have recommended Claire’s techniques to my girlfriends when they are ready to have babies.
Debra and Jason Pintley

You initially think the techniques taught will only be useful for the labour process AND THEN, you begin the process of breast feeding!!!!. So I used the breathing and mind techniques to get through the hardest weeks of trying to breastfeed until we got through the painful side. Now my daughter is 3 months old I still use the breathing techniques to settle her if she wont nap or is overtired.
Debra and Jason Pintley

Account Manager / Stevedore & personal trainer

“I found hypnosis truly beneficial in the lead up to the birth, in supporting me to feel extremely positive, and excited about the birth. The time out each day listening to the soothing messages I felt contributed to the positive outcome of the birth itself – it was my first baby, and the labour took 6 hours, delivered without drugs, without tears, and with a gorgeous healthy bub to greet me at the end. I look back on it as the best experience of my life, and feel that hypnosis helped in reducing any fear I had about the labour, and relaxing me so that I could birth as naturally as possible. Thanks Claire!”
Stephanie Lehoczky

“You gave me a detailed insight into what my body would be going through so I felt relaxed and in control. I felt so calm and it was a wonderful experience. My partner was also tremendous and together we keep talking about how amazing the experience was.”
Courtney & Kristin McIntyre


Claire is a trained Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Childbirth Educator and Bodyworker. She has devised personalised programs to fit her clients needs from first-time parents to refreshers for ‘next time’ parents. Hypnocalmbirth teaches useful skills that work for labour and afterwards.

Contact Us to find out how we can help you.

Schedule a Hypnocalmbirth Session

Gift Vouchers

Health Fund rebates are available depending on your level of cover. Process your HICAPS  claim on the spot and we accept payment by cash, eftpos, credit card and online transfers.

Testimonials to check out what our other clients say!

The Healing Practice
7 Albert St
Forest Lodge (Glebe) 2037 NSW
By Appointment Only

M: 0438 216 351