What is Massage?
Massage is the application of therapeutic touch to the body, to locate discomfort and correct or relieve the various symptoms of the presenting problem. The body is a veritable storehouse of whatever has ailed the person in the past and currently, and treatment can readily set about to improve the well-being of the person. In the same way that a trauma has caused tension to settle in the body, massage can help relieve that tension to be freed from the body, or at least to acknowledge it and learn to manage it better, without keeping it constantly embedded in the body.
What to expect during a massage session?
Treatments are initially an hour. This includes a history taking of you and your current state of health to determine the most appropriate massage and areas to work on for you. Within the hour, your back, neck and shoulders can expect to be treated. A longer treatment of 75 minutes or 90 minutes allows for a more comprehensive treatment to treat the whole body, including gluteals, legs, arms and abdominal areas. Extra focus on greater areas of need will tend to dominate. A treatment may include stretches to release tension and some stretches shown to you, as a form of useful homework for yourself to do. By the end of the treatment, you will feel improved and relaxed.

Introductory phone call. Give The Healing Practice a call to find out how we can help. We offer a 20 minute introductory call for you to outline your concerns and the kind of help that you would like to get.
0438 216 351.

Who can benefit from Massage?
Massage is benefical for most people, as it helps relieve the discomfort of most conditions and stimulate the body’s responses to recover more favourably. Whether from sedentary work as in sitting for long periods at a desk, with shortened muscles in back, neck and shoulders, or at more active workplaces as in tradesmen on building sites, massage is helpful. Recovery from accidents, and from psychological events, massage provides a calming and corrective response that is both benefical to body and mind.

Who cannot be treated?
Massage is safe for most persons. However some inflammatory conditions such as DVT (deep vein thrombosis) or a cancer diagnosis are contra-indicated although some cancer treatment is improved with massage. A GP or specialist’s clearance is best sought in these cases. Massage is ultimately stimulating and can therefore inflame some conditions, as in simple colds and flues. Early pregnancy can be another contra-indication, but in experienced and qualified hands is not at all. See Pregnancy Massage for more information.
Check our menu for the different body services that we offer
How often should I have Massage?
That depends on the person and the nature of their injuries and overall state of health. Generally, most muscular aches and pains can be resolved quite quickly, in a treatment or two. But any chronic, long-held condition of muscular discomfort will require more treatment to resolve these issues. A treatment plan of a few sessions to work on particular areas and to help the body reset itself will be recommended, along with some homework, in the way of stretches and postural awareness, to undo old habits that have perhaps been apart of the problem.
Monthly maintenance will also be suggested to keep you limber, pain-free and in good shape.
The Healing Practice
7 Albert St
Forest Lodge (Glebe)
NSW 2037.
By appointment only.

Claire Cleaver specialises in massage, hypnotherapy and holistic counselling. She sees clients for various needs recognising that high levels of sustained stress can create long-term unwellness. It is important to seek the right treatment at the right time.
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