Claire Cleaver
The nature of change
I find that working with people to help change and improve their lives is a powerful and responsible work in all sorts of ways. As clients experience change, those changes affect others around them, in their immediate circles of family and friends and in their other circles of influence as well. I am equally affected.
- Essentially, any therapy is a giving process – of the heart and spirit. It really doesn’t matter whether it’s a physical or mental therapy. There is an intrinsic giving and receiving action that happens between two people in a relationship based on mutual respect, trust and a degree of shared values.
- The relationship of client and practitioner / therapist is at its best, when it operates on that kind of foundation and will directly favour a beneficial result. In essence, making a heartfelt and measurable difference in my client’s life will consequently affect mine in a kind of mutual benefit or reciprocity and ultimately, a deeper connection with life itself.
Making mistakes in my life has been the singular driving motivator to change myself and evolve as a person; and it hasn’t been easy! It’s so much easier to coast along and brush mistakes aside, rather than fix and learn from them. However, prolonged internal agitation, dissatisfaction and projected irritation onto others, is generally my cue to check out my point of disconnection with myself!
Developing my training and skills
- I have developed my particular training and subsequent skill-set over several years, having trained in bodywork, childbirth education, coaching, hypnosis and counselling.
- My motivation to train in these specific areas, arose primarily from my own unsatisfactory personal experiences that I thought could have been improved in various ways.
- Resolving unsatisfactory events is a wonderful instigator for change and strongly influences my choices in ongoing training, not just as a mandatory requirement of my various association memberships, but as an intention to constantly improve my professional skill-set and training, to assist my clients health, in all the realms of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.
- I aim to be a principled person, with an ethical moral code, in both professional and personal areas, that would reflect on me as a good and heart-felt person and teacher.
Personal relationships
My long-term marriage and my three children are of course my defining and primary relationships and are a reflected legacy in as much as I can lay claim to one; as well as the treasured relationships of my various friends, which support, inspire and value me, as I do them. I have lived, worked and travelled overseas; and have spread my wings in different areas of my working careers, with mixed successes in some and in others that were highly undesirable; and because of it, have had even more valuable learning experiences!.
- My life experiences in general, have taught me that life is all about change and growth and committing to the predictability of change and growth is a necessary state of being human and living in the present, as best as I can manage.
- Asking for help in small and big ways is also a pivotal reckoner for change, as it can be challenging to do. But worth the turmoil of letting others in to receive and accept support, however it shows up!
- My affirmation for asking for help is: I’m not a failure by asking for help!
On a more professional note
I have been in combined private practice as a childbirth educator, bodyworker, counsellor, psychotherapist, mentor, coach and hypnotherapist for over 20 years and see clients in private practice.
The Healing Practice is now located at 7 Forest St , Forest Lodge ( Glebe) 2037 NSW in Sydney’s inner-west.
Contact The Healing Practice Learn how we can help you or Call Claire on 0438 216 351.
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Areas of Specialisation
- Fertility/Conception
- Pregnancy/Childbirth/Early Parenting
- Stress Management
- Confidence/Intimacy issues
- Relationship/Confidence issues
- Anxiety & Depression
- Life’s Transitions
- Women’s Health
- Graduate Diploma Childbirth Education
- Advanced Diploma Counselling
- Diploma Clinical Hypnosis
- Advanced Diploma Buddhism and Psychotherapy
- Certificate of Energy Medicine Practitioner Training
- Diplomas: Remedial Massage, Bowen Technique, Shiatsu, Modern Cupping,
- Chikly Health Institute: Lymph Drainage Therapy 1,2 & 3
Additional Skills and Training
- Certificate of NLP
- Certificate of IHT Dynamic Therapy (NLP)
- Certificate Thought Field Therapy
- Certificate The Family Systems Institute
- Yapko “The 100-Hour Training” (Clinical Hypnosis & Strategic Psychotherapy)
- Certificate 1V in Training and Assessment (TAE40110)
- Senior First Aid
- Acceptance & Committment Therapy (ACT)
Professional Associations
- Registered Member AACHP (Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy)
- Registered Member ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Society)