Ainura Igamberdyyeva – Holistic Therapist

Ainura Igamberdyyeva – Holistic Therapist
When I was 9 yrs old, I was selected to train in my country’s wrestling program and competed for many years at national levels, becoming a coach in my later career. As a national women’s wrestling coach, I assisted many of my students’ success in their own careers, and also how to train them to have longevity in it.
Wrestling is very physical and hard on bodies, and it was important to know how to treat and look after your own injuries. Massage and saunas were key methods to assisting recovery.
In 2009, I came to Australia and over the next few years, studied English, got to know my new country, had two children, trained in more massage and beauty therapy and now have certificates in both disciplines. I continue to work as a wrestling coach teaching children and women.
I love to work on my body, to make it strong again and fit, (especially after having children) and that motivates me to help other people make their bodies more slim, more beautiful. That makes me happy.
National women’s wrestling coach – Australia
Cert 3 Beauty Therapy – Sydney
Cert Massage Therapy – Sydney