Part-Time Licensed Massage Therapist Position
Do you get satisfaction at helping people be better?
If the answer is yes, then we are excited to hear from you!
The Healing Practice is hiring. We are looking for a Part-Time Licensed Massage Therapist to join our clinic.
If you’re looking for a satisfying job where you can set your own hours and work and learn as well, within a supportive and innovative work culture, please call us.
ABOUT THE HEALING PRACTICE – The Healing Practice has 20 years of solid business experience, specialising in holistic, innovative bodywork and in psychotherapeutic mind-health. We are based in Leichhardt, Sydney’s inner-west, close to transport links and on-street parking.
YOU WILL BE JOINING A TEAM WHERE – Our practitioners specialise in different areas of holistic health: women’s health physio, naturopathic body health and hypnosis. We thrive on learning and developing our skills to better our clients’ health and well-being; and prioritising our own self-care at the same time.
- Registered Massage Therapist with requisite paperwork
- 2 years minimum experience or new graduate with aptitude seeking a secure clinical job
- Other relevant qualifications, or industry and life experience that add value to your CV
- We are open to a person who has massage experience but not the relevant paperwork (we will assist you to be more trained and qualified if needed). Please enquire.
- We are looking for an ‘all-rounder’. Someone who is an independent operator, knows how to take direction when needed, keeps good boundaries around session times, and knows the reality of what they can do for clients.
Listed below are specific points of the service we provide for our clients in clinic
- Greet clients in reception and show to treatment room. Provide required treatment, take client notes and offer client homework tips, if required. Process payment.
- Manage cleaning of treatment room in-between clients with proper hygiene protocol
- Assist lead practitioner with other client treatments when available for both assistance and learning of new skills
- Rebook clients online and make online client notes
- Assist with any enquiries
- Able to devise and provide a client treatment plan to encourage client rapport, trust and repeat booking
- A salary that matches your skillset and experience and is regularly reviewed with your therapist development and increased duration. $45-60 (negotiable) per hour
- Flexible hours that work for you and us
- Mentoring support to evaluate your goals and future vision
- Learning opportunities in-house and external to upgrade your skills
- Pleasantly appointed treatment rooms with modern hydraulic tables that have your back, large windows and natural light, quiet aircon, a kitchen and garden to chill in
- We teach you optimal treatment methods that deliver a quality result; and save your joints and muscle groups from ever wearing out!
HOW TO APPLY – Please send your CV to
If you love helping people be better with your skills, then that is what we do too. Join us to discover innovative, different and holistic practises that we thrive on – here at The Healing Practice.
We look forward to hearing from you 🙂

Garden Room
Newer massage graduates – are encouraged to apply and we’ll be happy to help you expand your skills in a secure and steady clinic. Please send your CV and cover letter to