In the beginning…

Lia Rees-Pellizzerri
I wasn’t always the healthiest person around but a life-long history of migraines and stomach issues that arose in my early twenties, spurred me on down the path of holistic health and I haven’t looked back.
In 2011 I graduated with a Bachelor of Naturopathy and shortly after decided to complete my Diploma of Remedial Massage, and have worked in the health sector in both capacities ever since.
I’m interested in helping people fix themselves, rather than a bandaid option!
Naturopathy has opened up an ever expanding world of nutrition, herbal medicine, and body work – and looking at the body in a whole new light to discover underlying causes to symptoms and how addressing these is the only true way we can heal. One of the requirements for my course was to complete the Cert IV in Remedial Massage, and not every Naturopathic Degree requires this but I’m so glad it did because after seeing the transformative effects massage has therapeutically, I was convinced the marriage of herbal medicine, nutrition and massage would produce amazing treatment results! Read more about LIa Integrated Naturopathy…Integrated Naturopathy
My working background
- To this day I have worked in most areas of the health industry; from practising in clinic with Osteopaths and Chiropractors in treating people suffering from chronic conditions through remedial, Swedish and Lymphatic massage, and routinely treating women in both pre- and postpartum and helping them to prepare for labour and in post-recovery…
- And to Naturopathic consultations specialising in fertility, hormone imbalance, and digestive disorders, as well as working for a supplement company formulating products and writing nutrition/health content for their website.
Getting back into it
I’m enormously excited to get back into Clinic: it’s the fundamental reason I became a Naturopath and Massage therapist – to educate and assist people with their health. For me – the most important thing is for people to be autonomous about themselves and their well-being and to be in touch with our own bodies, inevitably relying on others to give quick fixes that ultimately lead to only more problems due to a culture of band-aid solutions.
Which is why massage is so satisfying to both give and receive.
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What motivates me now
Massage is the complete holistic treatment, as it yields both immediate and long-term results of both a physical and emotional nature by having significant effects on the whole musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Working with chronic conditions in the past, I’m well-versed with treatment plans and the potential need to refer on to other modalities which would further a client’s health goals, and to encourage you to find time and space to enjoying massage as a regular part of your health plan.
When I’m not helping people ‘Zen’ out or putting together nutrition plans and herbal formulas, I am a contented ‘home-body’, cooking and baking for my family, practising Yoga, or curled up with a book and a coffee.
Very much look forward to meeting and treating you soon!
Bachelor of Naturopathy – Nature Care College, Sydney, Australia; Diploma of Remedial Massage – Nature Care College, Sydney, Australia
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