Fertility Counselling

Fertility Counselling helps couples and individuals who have tried everything else. Doing everything right, yet still can’t get pregnant? Taking Fertility Counselling to the next level. Our new program for your fertility looks like this: Cultivate Fertility: from...

Tone Your Pelvic Floor

Best to start at the beginning.Learning how to do those pesky pelvic floor (kegels, named after Dr Kegel) exercises while you are pregnant is a good idea. Even if you only do it once or twice to find out what the fuss is all about. Why do you need to tone your Pelvic...

Birth Support

 Partner is away Not sure who to choose Too many to choose from Due dates come and go, with 4% of babies actually arriving on their due dates, and the majority of them arriving afterwards. Yes, a small percentage do arrive early, but not many. For babies, it is...